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Meet Dr. Kim


Dr. Kim is a passionate practitioner of Traditional Chinese Medicine and acupuncture. She holds a diploma in Doctor of Traditional Chinese Medicine, diploma in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine from the Calgary College of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture, and certificate in Acupressure Therapy from Mount Royal University. 


Her practice and passion focuses on helping people through the struggle of depression and anxst of anxiety. She also specializes in anxiety and depression in children, youth, and adults.


Headaches have Decreased Significantly

"Dr. Kim is a passionate practitioner of acupuncture with a special kindness and warmth. I had been struggling with headaches for years, but with her treatments they’ve decreased significantly. I especially appreciate the lifestyle recommendations she gives to supplement her treatments. She keeps up with emerging research and gives very individualized treatments. She truly wants to help her patients get better. Highly recommended!"


Decreased Stress Levels

"My boyfriend and I have been seeing Dr. Kim now for almost a year! We each have our own symptoms we are working on. He has noticed a significant change with his restless arm syndrome, therefore benefitting his sleep patterns. Acupuncture is the only thing that has helped this. I have noticed a decrease in stress levels after my treatments! She is a wonderful practitioner and has great health/diet recommendations to adjunct acupuncture!"



"Went into to see Dr. Kim with some nerve issues from an old back injury that now is affecting my foot. Had several weeks of pain with little sleep. After a few sessions, I am feeling so much better, sleeping, and pain-free. Dr. Kim has a real passion for her profession."


Migraines Gone

"I started my acupuncture treatment a few weeks ago, just to try get rid of my migraines due the Calgary Chinooks and sometimes stressful live. And within just couple visits with Dr. Kim I was noticing lots of improvements on how often and how intense the migraines were happening. This is the December 2018 we have had a few Chinooks and thanks Dr. Kim I did not have a single migraine yet. Highly recommend Dr. Kim . Thanks, Roger"


I finally stopped vomiting

"I was throwing up several times a day for about 2 years and couldn’t make heads or tails of it. Went through all sorts of medical testing and then I finally figured out it was probably anxiety linked to my depression. Well, I certainly wasn’t going to go back on meds (I hate them) and I tried everything: seeing a therapist regularly, an exercise regime, yoga etc. It wasn’t until I started seeing Dr. Kim for acupuncture that I finally stopped vomiting. I was scared at first, I mean needles are pretty scary, but Dr. Kim is so passionate about her work, and spends an enormous amount of time researching and crafting individual treatments. So it has now been a couple years since I have vomited, and I still feel good enough to not take depression meds. Overall, acupuncture with Dr. Kim has been a great addition to my overall health and wellness and I highly recommend her services. Highly. I have seen other acupuncturists that do not yield the same result."


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The Synergy of Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care: A Path to Holistic Healing

The Synergy of Acupuncture and Chiropractic Care: A Path to Holistic Healing

Acupuncture and chiropractic care are two complementary therapies rooted in vastly different traditions but with a shared goal of restoring balance and promoting the body’s natural ability to heal. While acupuncture has its origins in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), focusing on the flow of energy through meridians, chiropractic care stems from Western practices that emphasize spinal alignment and nervous

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Shallow vs. Deep Acupuncture Needling

Shallow vs. Deep Acupuncture Needling

Acupuncture has been practiced for thousands of years, originating in ancient China as a method to restore the body’s balance and promote healing. While the fundamental premise — stimulating specific points on the body to affect energy flow or “qi”— remains consistent, practitioners have developed varying techniques, including shallow and deep needling. Each method has its own strengths, applications,

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Explore the Benefits of Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture

Explore the Benefits of Facial Cosmetic Acupuncture

We all eventually hit the age where those fine lines and wrinkles around our eyes, nose, and mouth seem to become a bit more prominent than we would like. There are countless products and procedures out there for men and women, touting the benefits of reducing or even eliminating those pesky fine lines and wrinkles. Despite a diligent skincare

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